i3 International Granted New Patent to Cut Down Wait Times in Restaurants and Retail Stores - i3 International
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i3 International Granted New Patent to Cut Down Wait Times in Restaurants and Retail Stores

i3 International is proud to announce the granting of a new patent for our groundbreaking Queue Management System. This system is designed to shape the industry by enhancing efficiency and the customer experience in quick-service restaurants (QSRs) and retail stores. The official title of the patent is "System for Managing Performance of a Service Establishment," and it is identified by patent number US 11,948,110 B2.

Improving Everyday Experiences: How It Works 

Our innovative system utilizes patented algorithms and smart cameras to accurately measure and report customer wait times in indoor and outdoor service environments. This comprehensive solution encompasses the following:

  • Tracking Vehicle Wait Times: Ensuring smoother operations in drive-thrus.   
  • Recognizing Loyal Customers: Enhancing personalized service.   
  • Counting People: Managing crowd control effectively.   
  • Monitoring Dwell Times: Understanding customer behavior and preferences.   
  • Optimizing Service Speed: Improving efficiency at service counters.
CEO is holding patent

Jack Hoang, CEO at i3 International with granted Patent no. US 11,948,110 B2

Making Wait Times Manageable

Imagine walking into a fast-food restaurant and seeing exactly how long each line will take. With this information, you can choose the shortest line and save time. For store managers, this means being able to bring in extra help exactly when it’s needed to keep things running smoothly. 

Benefits for Everyone

For Customers: Shorter, predictable wait times mean less frustration and a better experience.

For Businesses: Satisfied customers are more likely to return, increasing sales and customer loyalty. Managers can optimize staff schedules based on real-time data.

“This patent represents a significant milestone for i3 International,” said Vy Hoang, Chief Customer Officer at i3 International.

 “Our Queue Management System is designed to provide actionable insights that help businesses reduce wait times,enhance efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to increased revenue and reduced labour costs.”

About i3 International

i3 provides intelligent, innovative, and integrated Ai smart video and secure cloud solutions to help organizations operate in a safer and more profitable environment. i3 understands the need for security and safety while balancing those needs with the desire for simplicity and ease of use. i3 leads the industry in the field of cloud security, video analytics, data analytics, and POS exception-based software. i3 clients include a diverse group of retailers, quick service restaurants, and commercial and government organizations.

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